"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."Albert Einstein

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So I was extremely bored today and I wanted to paint my nails but I didn't want to wait for the paint to dry to put the design on....so this is what I did!

I wanted to do Zebra but what I finished I thought this looked more like a tiger...

Added white...

 All three colors...it doesn't look too great but my nails aren't
100% naked so thats all that matters! haha :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy ThanksGiving!

                                    It's about that time again!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'm ready with my Turkeys! :)

These are the Turkeys I went Off of...

First Turkey! Looks kinda funny but I tried!

All Ten Turkeys ! They were actually pretty hard at first all I used was the regular nail brush for the brown body and a toothpick for the wing and everything else! I think I could have done better if I actually had the right materials but that okay! :)

Halloween Nails

Halloween is one of my favortie holidays! So I figured I'd try and go all out with my nails also :)

The Pumpkin pinky was the hardest cause at the time I didn't have any special paint brushes so here I used the smallest thing I could find...a toothpick! Those things actually get me pretty far in my designs!


I saw these Cupcake nails online and I thought they were so cute!

                                                    I had to try them out myself!
                                                      My little sisters loved them! =]

Nail Marbling

This was my first time trying Nail Marbling!
It didn't come out as bad as I thought it would
they actually look pretty cool :)
I was surprised something so easy could come
out looking so great!